Sketch: Chthyra

Chthyra sketch by Sean Izaakse
Chthyra sketch by Sean Izaakse

Counting down: four days until our Kickstarter for Bulletproof Blues Second Edition! This is a sketch from Sean Izaakse: Chthyra, the Crawling Chaos. Chthyra is a psychic parasite from a reality in close proximity to our own, which travels to our reality in its astral form. As such, it does not have a physical form in our reality. When Chthyra manifests in our reality, it usually takes the form of an oily black-skinned humanoid, a shapeless mass of hairlike tendrils of darkness, or something in between the two….

Don’t forget about our contest! Take one of the characters from Bulletproof Blues, and write, draw, or design a new format for the character’s write-up at the back of Bulletproof Blues Second Edition. The winner will receive credit in the second edition credits and a free print copy of the game (either the current edition, or, if they are willing to wait for it, the second edition). Here are the characters to choose from:

The contest will run through the end of the Kickstarter, but don’t wait until the last minute. Send your contest entries to

Sketch: Miasma

Miasma sketch by Sean Izaakse
Miasma sketch by Sean Izaakse

Two weeks until our Kickstarter for Bulletproof Blues Second Edition, which is scheduled to start February 1st! This is a sketch from Sean Izaakse: Miasma, a disgraced Canadian Special Ops officer who now leads a team of elite mercenaries. Favoring non-lethal munitions and gas grenades, Miasma and her Fume Troopers have established themselves as professionals who can get the job done quickly and efficiently, even in the face of posthuman opposition.

Don’t forget about our contest! Take one of the characters from Bulletproof Blues, and write, draw, or design a new format for the character’s write-up at the back of Bulletproof Blues Second Edition. The winner will receive credit in the second edition credits and a free print copy of the game (either the current edition, or, if they are willing to wait for it, the second edition). Here are the characters to choose from:

The contest will run through the end of the Kickstarter, but don’t wait until the last minute. Send your contest entries to

Miasma and the Fume Troopers

A new character for Bulletproof Blues: Miasma, a disgraced Special Ops officer who now leads a team of elite mercenaries.

Miasma (Dan Houser)

Favoring non-lethal munitions and gas grenades, Miasma and her Fume Troopers have established themselves as professionals who can get the job done quickly and efficiently, even in the face of posthuman opposition.

Miasma is cool, tough, and professional, but she sometimes can’t help taunting posthumans whom she has outfought or outsmarted.

Master Sin, immortal Korean mastermind

A new character for Bulletproof Blues: Master Sin, an immortal Korean mastermind and the head of the most powerful and extensive criminal organization on Earth.

Master Sin (Dan Houser)

According to legend, Master Sin was an alchemist and astronomer in the court of Queen Seondeok of Silla during the Three Kingdoms period of Korea. It was during his tenure in the court of Queen Seondeok that Master Sin first discovered the alchemical secret for arresting the aging process, a formula he has continued to refine and perfect.

Despite his apparent lack of posthuman abilities, Master Sin is one of the most dangerous people on Earth. His resources and his influence are both virtually unlimited.

Ganyeka, the psychic gorilla supergenius

A new character for Bulletproof Blues: Ganyeka, a western lowland gorilla with psychic powers and a vast intellect.

Ganyeka (Dan Houser)

Ganyeka is a villain, but he is not motivated by wealth or power. Ganyeka harbors a deep resentment toward humanity, and he feels acutely alone in humanity’s world. His schemes typically revolve around emancipating his people (gorillas, and western lowland gorillas in particular), eliminating the “evolutionary dead end” of humanity, and similar such goals.

Crocolisk, the Lizard King

A new character for Bulletproof Blues: Crocolisk, the Lizard King of New Orleans. He looks like a monster on the outside, but that’s nothing compared to the monster on the inside.

Crocolisk (Dan Houser)

Crocolisk isn’t a “super-villain”. He’s a criminal: crude, greedy, and utterly without conscience or compassion. There are no grandiose schemes or plans for world domination for him. He takes what he wants, and he crushes whoever gets in his way. It’s just that simple.

Chthyra, the Crawling Chaos

A new year, and a new character write-up: Chthyra, the Crawling Chaos, with an illustration by Dan Houser.

Chthyra (Dan Houser)

Chthyra is a psychic parasite from a reality in close proximity to our own which travels to our reality in its astral form. As such, it does not have a physical form in our reality. When Chthyra manifests in our reality, it usually takes the form of an oily black-skinned humanoid, a shapeless mass of hairlike tendrils of darkness, or something in between the two….