Still working on the print version of Bulletproof Blues third edition (revised). We need to make sure the files are perfect for the printer, or they reject them. In the meantime, here is the updated cover for Steven S. Long’s “Evangelists Of Mars”.

Still working on the print version of Bulletproof Blues third edition (revised). We need to make sure the files are perfect for the printer, or they reject them. In the meantime, here is the updated cover for Steven S. Long’s “Evangelists Of Mars”.
Many years ago, there was a computer program called SimCity. In the designer’s notes, they said that although it was marketed as a game, it really wasn’t — it was a toy. A game has an objective, which you either accomplish or you don’t. A toy is something you play with, however you like. The only objective of a toy is to have fun playing with it.
Tabletop roleplaying games are not truly “games” — they are toys. Do whatever you want with it. As long as you are having fun, the toy is serving its purpose. There is no “wrong way” to play a tabletop roleplaying game. Correction: there is one wrong way. If anyone at the table is not having fun playing with it, then either someone at the table is playing wrong (being a bad player, in other words), or that particular roleplaying game is not suited to the tastes of that particular group of players (which doesn’t make the game good or bad; it merely means that group would have more fun playing something else).
(As a side note, I submit that this is one element that distinguishes tabletop roleplaying games from so-called computer roleplaying games. Computer roleplaying games most definitely have objectives, and it is clearly possible to play them wrong.)
Ruins Of Atlanta has been revised and updated to be compatible with Bulletproof Blues third edition (revised). You may also want to check out the third Bulletproof Blues character pack, which has high-resolution illustrations of these characters, along with their Bulletproof Blues Character Sheet Helper files.
Knock on wood, I think the layout and revisions for the updated “Ruins Of Atlanta” are done. I want to give my brain a break from it for a day or two, and give it another once-over, but barring unforeseen events, it ought to be available for download some time this weekend!
We are working on the layout for Bulletproof Blues Third Edition, Revised, and we are so close to the end — we’re currently on Grimknight, in the Characters chapter. We are also working on Character Pack 4. Here is the most recent addition to that: Doctor Neutron, the Cerulean Sentinel.