New power: Bulletproof!

A while back, we removed “bullets” from the Environmental Immunity power, because that was just too powerful.

But it’s been bugging me ever since. Ordinary bullets and knives simply bounce off some supers, and I really want a way to represent that. It’s in the name of the game, for pete’s sake.

So here is a new power: Bulletproof!


Prerequisite: Damage Resistance or Force Field

A character with the Bulletproof power ignores most attacks from ordinary bullets and knives. The character might have thick armor or impenetrable skin, or they might simply move out of the way of such mundane attacks. An attack roll against the character fails if the weapon being used causes normal damage, if it is an ordinary piece of equipment (a piece of equipment purchased with money rather than as a power, p. XXX), and if it has a PL rating lower than the bulletproof character’s current Power Level.

Bulletproof Force Field: A character’s Bulletproof power might be dependent on their Force Field power. If this is the case, the character’s Bulletproof power is only active while the character’s Force Field is active, and it may be extended to another person (or person-sized object) by touching them.